We have THREE painting exhibitions running alongside the beep painting prize at elysium gallery as part of the beep painting biennial happening in Swansea this year.
Ar y wal | Off the wall
Sahar Saki & Sue Williams Venue: Mission Gallery, Gloucester Place, Maritime Quarter, Swansea 16 July - 13 August 2022 Using the gallery as a canvas, Sahar and Sue will paint directly onto walls and floors. Content will include Persian calligraphy and figurative work; addressing current social issues within the context of traditional cultural values and identities. The work will evolve throughout the exhibition period as Sahar and Sue work in the space. |
Walking in Two Worlds / Cerdded Mewn Dau Fyd Venue: Volcano Theatre, 27-29 High Street, Swansea Preview: Saturday 30th July 3-6pm Open Tues – Sat 10am – 5pm Exhibition continues until 27th August Walking in Two Worlds is a group exhibition curated by Welsh painter Jonathan Powell and devised by artists Steph Goodger and Julian Rowe as part of this year’s elysium gallery led Beep Painting Biennial. It brings together a group of artists who share interests in prehistoric art, the primitive, the shamanistic and the mysterious. Artists: Jonathan Anderson, Keith Ashcroft, Helen Blake, Philippa Brown, Lara Davies, Lucy Donald, Tom Down, Mark Folds, Amy Goldring, Steph Goodger, Gareth Griffith, Paul Hughes, Tim Kelly, Hetty Van Kooten, Enzo Marra, James Moore, Sarah Poland, Jonathan Powell, Julian Rowe, Dylan Williams, Richard Williams, Jessica Woodrow |
Anthelion Arwell Micah | Dylan Williams | Fran Williams Venue: College Street Gallery, 16 College St, Swansea, SA1 5BH Preview: Saturday 30th July, 7pm Opening times: Sat 6th, Sat 13th & Sat 20th August 11am-5pm (other days Weds-Sat book by appointment) Anthelion highlights the allure of the landscape for three Swansea painters as they search for meaning and escape as the modern world continues its encroach onto the fields, valleys and hills of the Welsh landscape. |
The 2022 Beep Painting Prize artists are announced!
Susan Absolon | Susan Adams | Edwin Aitken | Iain Andrews | Kay Bainbridge | Tom Banks | Leila Bebb | Helena Benz | Melanie Berman | Jo Berry | Karl Bielik | Gina Birch | Abi Birkinshaw | Zena Blackwell | Carolyn Blake | Dominic Blower | Day Bowman | Paul Bramley | Vanessa Brassey | Broughton & Birnie | Jeannie Brown | Stephen Buckeridge | Kate Burling | Louise Burston | Max Cahn | Serena Caulfield | Fiona Chambers | Louisa Chambers | Diana Charnley | Nancy Collantine | Lorraine Cooke | Daniel Crawshaw | Gordon Dalton | Lara Davies | Llyr Davies | Daniel Davis | Sean De | Steve Dodd | Patricia Doherty | Lucy Donald | Tom Down | Tamara Dubnyckyj | Amy Dury | Heather Eastes | David Edmond | Frances Edmonds | Olga Evenden | Jane Fairhurst | Brendan Fletcher | Michele Fletcher | Parham Ghalamdar | Alison Goodyear | Tess Gray | Gareth Griffith | Freya Guest | Abigail Hampsey | Tommy Harrison | Roger Healey-Dilkes | John Hiom | Beth Holloway | Jasper Howard | Angela Johnson | Demian Johnston | Graham Jones | Stuart Jones | Allyson Keehan | Gareth Kemp | Emmet Kierans |Dorothee Kolle | Rachel Lancaster | Elizabeth Langley | Graham Lister | Robyn Litchfield | Cathy Lomax | Katherine Lubar | Susanne Lund-Pangrazio | Paula MacArthur | Daniel MacCarthy | Enzo Marra | Daniel Marsh | Joy Martindale | Jo Mason | Bex Massey | Gavin Maughfling | Eilish McCann | Donna McLean | Nicholas McLeod | Efrat Merin | Tim Millen | James Moore | Hannah Murgareoyd | Fionna Murray | Mikk Murray | Kelly Norman | Daniella Norton | Mary O’Connor | Olivia O’Dwyer | Joseph O’Rourke | Fleur Patrick | Sally Payen | Monica Perez Vega | Sarah Poland | Narbi Price | Nicole Price | Alan Rees-Baynes | Daisy Richardson | Diane Rogan | Gerda Roper | Janet Sainsbury | Kate Shooter | Rebecca Sitar | Ruth Spencer | Peter Stiles | Andre Stitt | Uzma Sultan | Shane Synnott | Christopher Tansey | Clare Thatcher | Emma Tod | Katie Trick | Judith Tucker | Jan Valik | Lois Wallace | Louise Wallace | Lorraine Walsh | Kate Walters | Henry Ward | Philip Watkins | Grant Watson | Casper White | Dylan Williams | Jessica Woodrow | Alistair Woods | Cong Ye | Rafal Zar | Karoline Zglobicka
Exhibition launch party on Friday 29th July 7pm at elysium gallery where the main prize & Friends of the Glynn Vivian Welsh Artist Prize winners will be announced.
exhibition continues until Sat Sept 10th
Further Beep Biennial exhibitions open at Mission Gallery on 16th July and at Volcano Theatre and College St Gallery on Sat 30th July.
The 2022 Beep Painting Prize artists are announced!
Susan Absolon | Susan Adams | Edwin Aitken | Iain Andrews | Kay Bainbridge | Tom Banks | Leila Bebb | Helena Benz | Melanie Berman | Jo Berry | Karl Bielik | Gina Birch | Abi Birkinshaw | Zena Blackwell | Carolyn Blake | Dominic Blower | Day Bowman | Paul Bramley | Vanessa Brassey | Broughton & Birnie | Jeannie Brown | Stephen Buckeridge | Kate Burling | Louise Burston | Max Cahn | Serena Caulfield | Fiona Chambers | Louisa Chambers | Diana Charnley | Nancy Collantine | Lorraine Cooke | Daniel Crawshaw | Gordon Dalton | Lara Davies | Llyr Davies | Daniel Davis | Sean De | Steve Dodd | Patricia Doherty | Lucy Donald | Tom Down | Tamara Dubnyckyj | Amy Dury | Heather Eastes | David Edmond | Frances Edmonds | Olga Evenden | Jane Fairhurst | Brendan Fletcher | Michele Fletcher | Parham Ghalamdar | Alison Goodyear | Tess Gray | Gareth Griffith | Freya Guest | Abigail Hampsey | Tommy Harrison | Roger Healey-Dilkes | John Hiom | Beth Holloway | Jasper Howard | Angela Johnson | Demian Johnston | Graham Jones | Stuart Jones | Allyson Keehan | Gareth Kemp | Emmet Kierans |Dorothee Kolle | Rachel Lancaster | Elizabeth Langley | Graham Lister | Robyn Litchfield | Cathy Lomax | Katherine Lubar | Susanne Lund-Pangrazio | Paula MacArthur | Daniel MacCarthy | Enzo Marra | Daniel Marsh | Joy Martindale | Jo Mason | Bex Massey | Gavin Maughfling | Eilish McCann | Donna McLean | Nicholas McLeod | Efrat Merin | Tim Millen | James Moore | Hannah Murgareoyd | Fionna Murray | Mikk Murray | Kelly Norman | Daniella Norton | Mary O’Connor | Olivia O’Dwyer | Joseph O’Rourke | Fleur Patrick | Sally Payen | Monica Perez Vega | Sarah Poland | Narbi Price | Nicole Price | Alan Rees-Baynes | Daisy Richardson | Diane Rogan | Gerda Roper | Janet Sainsbury | Kate Shooter | Rebecca Sitar | Ruth Spencer | Peter Stiles | Andre Stitt | Uzma Sultan | Shane Synnott | Christopher Tansey | Clare Thatcher | Emma Tod | Katie Trick | Judith Tucker | Jan Valik | Lois Wallace | Louise Wallace | Lorraine Walsh | Kate Walters | Henry Ward | Philip Watkins | Grant Watson | Casper White | Dylan Williams | Jessica Woodrow | Alistair Woods | Cong Ye | Rafal Zar | Karoline Zglobicka
Exhibition launch party on Friday 29th July 7pm at elysium gallery where the main prize & Friends of the Glynn Vivian Welsh Artist Prize winners will be announced.
exhibition continues until Sat Sept 10th
Further Beep Biennial exhibitions open at Mission Gallery on 16th July and at Volcano Theatre and College St Gallery on Sat 30th July.
André Stitt Award in association with TEN
An award of £1000 to support the practice of a Welsh or Wales-based painter
Prize money was raised through sales of preparatory studies, painted by Stitt during the 2020 pandemic lockdown, with the sale price dedicated as an award to a recipient selected by Stitt and TEN gallery director, Cat Gardiner.
André Stitt Award in association with TEN
An award of £1000 to support the practice of a Welsh or Wales-based painter
Prize money was raised through sales of preparatory studies, painted by Stitt during the 2020 pandemic lockdown, with the sale price dedicated as an award to a recipient selected by Stitt and TEN gallery director, Cat Gardiner.
TEN Gallery Andre Stitt
Susan Absolon | Edwin Aitken | Sinead Aldridge | Jonathan Alibone | Iain Andrews | Keith Ashcroft | Kay Bainbridge | Alice Banfield |
Tom Banks | Agnieszka Katz Barlow | Pip Barrett | Helena Benz | Jo Berry | Karl Bielik | Fiona Birnie & Kevin Broughton |
Yvette Blackwood | Dominic Blower | Ciaran Bowen | Patrick Brandon | Valerie Brennan | Jeannie Brown | Kena Brown |
Christy Burdock | Trevor Burgess |Ethan Caflisch | Max Cahn | Lisa Carter - Grist | Louisa Chambers | Brian Cheesewright |
John Wyatt Clark | Tom Climent | Lara Cobden |Natasha Conway | Julie D Cooper | Michael Coppelov | Gordon Dalton | Angelina Davis | Gwenan Davies | Lucy Donald | Amanda Doran | Sam Douglas | Tom Down | Tamara Dubnyckyi | Andrew Ekins | Liz Elton |
Elinor Evans | Rosalind Faram | Helen Finney | Sally Gatie | Amy Goldring | Tess Gray | Gareth Griffith | Penny Hallas | David Hancock | Jeb Haward | Benjamin Heiken | Dan Hollings | Lucy Howson | Laura Hudson | Graham Jones | Marion Jones | Isaac Jordan |
Gareth Kemp |Arron Kuiper | Brendan Lancaster | Rachel Lancaster |Elizabeth Langley | Thais Lenkiewicz | Daleet Leon |
Graham Lister | Geoff Litherland | Cathy Lomax | Juliette Losq | Paula MacArthur | Ranald MacDonald | Gavin Maughfling |
Eilish McCann |Rachel McDonnell | Sharon McPhee | Tim Millen | Steve Moberly | Susan Montgomery | Kate Murphy | Ruth Murray | Daniella Norton | Beatrice O’Connell | Tom Palin | Alison Pilkington | Olha Pryymak | Freya Purdue | James Quin | Jason Rouse |
Nicole Schaefer | Luke Skiffington | Andre Stitt | Uzma Sultan | Christopher Tansey | Clare Thatcher | Katie Trick | Joshua Uvieghara | April Virgoe | Kate Walters | Henry Ward | Grant Watson | Emrys Williams | Fionn Wilson
VENUE: elysium gallery, 210/211 High St, Swansea, SA1 1PE
DATE: Sat 3rd October - Sat 7th November 2020 *Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic there maybe crowd restrictions or even another change of dates. We will keep everyone notified of any changes as the situation progresses.
BEEP PAINTING BIENNIAL FESTIVAL: Running alongside the Beep Painting Prize we have various painting exhibitions and events planned with our partner galleries and organisations across South Wales (see venues page). No doubt some of these will be disrupted, again we will keep everyone notified as things progress.
Laura Hudson : It's all about the others: Who you are has everything to do with who we are Tim Millen: Conference
Amy Goldring
Gallery 211, First Floor, 211 High St, Swansea, SA1 1PE
Opens Saturday 4th August 2pm
Journeys, new paintings by Amy Goldring, exemplify a mix of spiritually charged content and individualised pop gestures. The forms are myriad, yet the energy in each is of one source and unifying. It is an exploration into perfect imperfections and at its heart there is a deep respect and gentle love for all forms manifest. Formally the paintings reach towards a balance of flowing, energetic line and colliding colours. The artist wishes to charge the surface with a primal physicality and musicality that should uplift but simultaneously ground the viewer; an expansive journey that takes the soul downwards and upwards at the same time.
Continues until Sat 1st September, Open Weds - Sat 12-5pm
Amy Goldring
Gallery 211, First Floor, 211 High St, Swansea, SA1 1PE
Opens Saturday 4th August 2pm
Journeys, new paintings by Amy Goldring, exemplify a mix of spiritually charged content and individualised pop gestures. The forms are myriad, yet the energy in each is of one source and unifying. It is an exploration into perfect imperfections and at its heart there is a deep respect and gentle love for all forms manifest. Formally the paintings reach towards a balance of flowing, energetic line and colliding colours. The artist wishes to charge the surface with a primal physicality and musicality that should uplift but simultaneously ground the viewer; an expansive journey that takes the soul downwards and upwards at the same time.
Continues until Sat 1st September, Open Weds - Sat 12-5pm
Amy Goldring
Devolution K
Konstantinos Grigoriadis
The National Gallery of Contemporary Art Wales, 34 Castle St, Swansea, SA1 1HZ
Opens Saturday 4th August 12pm
Welcome to the new National Gallery of Contemporary Art Wales.... or at least this will have to do until Wales actually builds one! The NGOCAW might be miniature in its size, but big in its ideas. Providing modern exhibition facilities within a ‘building’ that is the best in modern Welsh architecture whilst designed to travel and inhabit different venues across Wales.
The first exhibition 'Devolution K' consists of paintings and sculptural forms based on the experimental use of automatic drawing, found objects and decalcomania. The deliberate accidents and aleatory forms create the space to explore and illustrate the connection between past and future, microcosm and macrocosm, dark and light. Figures in psychedelic dreamscapes, spiritual entities and complex structures are situated in the blurred landscape of evolution creating a visual approach of fauna and flora within a conceptual time and space.
Konstantinos Grigoriadis was born in 1985 in Kozani, Greece. Since his early years, he started expressing himself as a punk musician, painter and illustrator. Along with his studies at the A.T.E. I. of Thessaloniki, he worked in many theatres and projects dealing with set design, sculpture, scenic painting, music performances and social activities. Simultaneously, he attended a modern art course at the M.M.C.A of Thessaloniki, and took part in the 1st Workshop of traditional architecture buildings restoration in north Greece. Konstantinos completed his BA in Fine Art (3D and sculptural practice) at the University of Wales Trinity St David in 2014. Currently based in Swansea, he became involved with steel props making and scenic projects for the film industry.
Open Mon – Sat 9.30am – 5pm, Sun 11am-4pm, Continues until Sat 1st September
Konstantinos Grigoriadis
The National Gallery of Contemporary Art Wales, 34 Castle St, Swansea, SA1 1HZ
Opens Saturday 4th August 12pm
Welcome to the new National Gallery of Contemporary Art Wales.... or at least this will have to do until Wales actually builds one! The NGOCAW might be miniature in its size, but big in its ideas. Providing modern exhibition facilities within a ‘building’ that is the best in modern Welsh architecture whilst designed to travel and inhabit different venues across Wales.
The first exhibition 'Devolution K' consists of paintings and sculptural forms based on the experimental use of automatic drawing, found objects and decalcomania. The deliberate accidents and aleatory forms create the space to explore and illustrate the connection between past and future, microcosm and macrocosm, dark and light. Figures in psychedelic dreamscapes, spiritual entities and complex structures are situated in the blurred landscape of evolution creating a visual approach of fauna and flora within a conceptual time and space.
Konstantinos Grigoriadis was born in 1985 in Kozani, Greece. Since his early years, he started expressing himself as a punk musician, painter and illustrator. Along with his studies at the A.T.E. I. of Thessaloniki, he worked in many theatres and projects dealing with set design, sculpture, scenic painting, music performances and social activities. Simultaneously, he attended a modern art course at the M.M.C.A of Thessaloniki, and took part in the 1st Workshop of traditional architecture buildings restoration in north Greece. Konstantinos completed his BA in Fine Art (3D and sculptural practice) at the University of Wales Trinity St David in 2014. Currently based in Swansea, he became involved with steel props making and scenic projects for the film industry.
Open Mon – Sat 9.30am – 5pm, Sun 11am-4pm, Continues until Sat 1st September
Konstantinos Grigoriadis
Canoflan y Gors
Volcano, 27-29 High St, Swansea, SA1 1LG
Opens Sat 4th August 2pm
Canolfan y Gors is a specialist secondary well being and learning centre based in Carmarthen. Breaking down barriers to learning is central to our brief and we see creative learning as a powerful form of communication, which helps rebuild confidence and self-esteem. We celebrate and value a stimulating, creative learning environment and our studio space supports our young people to seek opportunities to move forward positively in their lives. All of our young people have experienced difficult and challenging times. We constantly seek out collaboration projects to enrich our provision and have recently developed a social enterprise brand, ‘Man a Man a Mwnci’.
Working with artists and makers has transformed the centre. Accessing local galleries and artists has opened doors to future aspirations for our young people and has restored their self-belief to give things a go, ‘man a man - might as well’. The exhibited work includes pieces from our Year 11 GCSE group and some of our ‘Man a Man a Mwnci’ product designs.
Volcano, 27-29 High St, Swansea, SA1 1LG
Opens Sat 4th August 2pm
Canolfan y Gors is a specialist secondary well being and learning centre based in Carmarthen. Breaking down barriers to learning is central to our brief and we see creative learning as a powerful form of communication, which helps rebuild confidence and self-esteem. We celebrate and value a stimulating, creative learning environment and our studio space supports our young people to seek opportunities to move forward positively in their lives. All of our young people have experienced difficult and challenging times. We constantly seek out collaboration projects to enrich our provision and have recently developed a social enterprise brand, ‘Man a Man a Mwnci’.
Working with artists and makers has transformed the centre. Accessing local galleries and artists has opened doors to future aspirations for our young people and has restored their self-belief to give things a go, ‘man a man - might as well’. The exhibited work includes pieces from our Year 11 GCSE group and some of our ‘Man a Man a Mwnci’ product designs.
Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Alexandra Rd, Swansea SA1 5DZ
31st August 5-8pm
Join us for an evening of paintings, painting talks, presentations, live music and refreshments as we celebrate the end of Beep 2018 with a focus on the late great under appreciated Welsh painter Nicholas Evans (1907 – 2004) as we delve into the archives and talk to those who knew him.
This event will accompany Reclaiming the Inner Space by NS Harsha. This will be the celebrated artists largest solo UK exhibition to date (7 July–9 September 2018) & takes place in several spaces across the Glynn Vivian and includes three core works – a new installation Feel Free to Feed Each Other, the UK premiere of Reclaiming the Inner Space, and the seminal earlier work Stargazers.
Harsha works in painting, sculpture and installation, but is also inspired by a socially engaged practice, drawing communities into his work which echoes his generosity and spirit allowing the viewer to look at the world around them in a playful way.
Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Alexandra Rd, Swansea SA1 5DZ
31st August 5-8pm
Join us for an evening of paintings, painting talks, presentations, live music and refreshments as we celebrate the end of Beep 2018 with a focus on the late great under appreciated Welsh painter Nicholas Evans (1907 – 2004) as we delve into the archives and talk to those who knew him.
This event will accompany Reclaiming the Inner Space by NS Harsha. This will be the celebrated artists largest solo UK exhibition to date (7 July–9 September 2018) & takes place in several spaces across the Glynn Vivian and includes three core works – a new installation Feel Free to Feed Each Other, the UK premiere of Reclaiming the Inner Space, and the seminal earlier work Stargazers.
Harsha works in painting, sculpture and installation, but is also inspired by a socially engaged practice, drawing communities into his work which echoes his generosity and spirit allowing the viewer to look at the world around them in a playful way.
The venues for this years Beep Painting Biennial have been announced!
There will be a mixture of painting related exhibitions, activities, talks, residencies & events taking place across the city throughout August. From the internationally acclaimed to emerging talents, we hope you can visit Swansea this August for the ONLY citywide festival of contemporary painting. More news on what will be happening coming soon. |
Richard Williams: Artist in residence, Feb 24 - Mar 22
Exhibition: Come Get It While It's Cold March 23rd - April 7th 2018 Using the human condition as stimuli, specifically how mortality and knowledge of it shapes our existence, Beep 2016 artist Richard Williams will be exploring these themes and using the residency to create a new body of work. Atmosphere, mood, colour & light are important ingredients of William’s paintings that are snapshots of a much bigger untold story. This current body of work is concerned with the idea of humanity’s disconnection from and exploitation of the ecosystem, specifically with the current massive and increasing depletion of insect populations in Europe. |
Tim Warren: I Have A Place In Mind
January 19th - February 17th 2018 Landscape forms the stage onto which our life unfolds. It becomes a given that we all recognise and understand. Beep 2016 artist Tim Warren's landscapes are not specific places but are generic images that stand as a sign or symbol for the ideal or remembered places that transcend personal experience and exist for all of us. The world of memory and emotion is inseparable from imagery and the other senses which combine to create our experience of being in the world and that enable us to agree with others as to what the world is. For this exhibition, Warren’s paintings bring into life these fundamental places and show them as they live in our conciseness creating atmosphere and an emotional response. |
The Beep 2018 Painting Prize is now open for submissions
Open to artists from anywhere in the world. It is FREE to enter, then chosen artists will pay a £25 exhibitions fee. This year the Painting Prize exhibition will form a part of a citywide festival of painting including exhibitions and events at elysium gallery, Mission Gallery, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Galerie Simpson, Volcano, Swansea Grand Theatre, Cinema & Co & Swansea College of Art. Go to APPLY section on how to enter. Deadline:12pm 18th June 2018 |
Tom Banks: Cul-De-Sac 30th June - July 29th 2017 'I park and search the darkness ahead for movement, nothing, not even the scrabbling of a nocturnal creature to disturb the stillness. Looking in the mirror, the same in reverse. I sit a while concerned that I may be taken in, not by the stateless, but by the sleepless.The low clouds, illuminated by the streetlights have now dispersed. I ease myself out into the cold. The blackness above is given weight and form by the lack of stars. I follow the concrete curb defining the border between the path and the road. It swings right guiding me past a sapling tree into the cul-de-sac, the dead-end street, the no-through road. Within, the silent houses gawp at each other. I walk swiftly, stopping to do the business as I go. Following the path, I skirt the mild mannered shrubbery completing the task. Back at the feeder I put away my tools and walk back to where it began'. Tom Banks Cul-de-Sac is an exhibition of paintings depicting a walk through an unknown suburban housing estate, where we find that things are not quite right. This apparently benign location might not offer the homely comforts or warm welcome we are lead to believe will greet us Consisting of scaled down replicas of real homes, some wall hung and some placed on plinths, they are painted as they would be seen at night, and are interspersed with conventional canvas paintings of the flora that exists between the concrete walls. Tom Banks studied painting at Kingston University, graduating in 1996. In 2008 he was a founder member of the artist run gallery, Black Lark Gallery in St Leonards on Sea. As well as undertaking residences in London and Hastings he has exhibited in numerous group shows and competitions in Barcelona, London and throughout the UK, winning the Beep Wales International painting prize in 2016. His work is held in private collections in the UK and Spain. |
Jane Phillips Award Residency: Catrin Llwyd
Dates: 3rd March – 29th May
Location: elysium studios, 34a Orchard Street, Swansea
Details: As part of the wider residency activity, curator Louise Hobson invited artist Catrin Llwyd to take on the Jane Phillips Award Studio in elysiumgallery studios to explore the production, presentation and development of new work. Llwyd was awarded the Peter Prendegast Drawing Prize in her foundation year at Coleg Menai in 2008, before gaining a fine art degree from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff in 2010.
Jane Phillips Award Residency: Catrin Llwyd
Dates: 3rd March – 29th May
Location: elysium studios, 34a Orchard Street, Swansea
Details: As part of the wider residency activity, curator Louise Hobson invited artist Catrin Llwyd to take on the Jane Phillips Award Studio in elysiumgallery studios to explore the production, presentation and development of new work. Llwyd was awarded the Peter Prendegast Drawing Prize in her foundation year at Coleg Menai in 2008, before gaining a fine art degree from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff in 2010.
Dalit Leon: Time Signatures
Dates: May 6th – June 4th
Location: elysium gallery, 16 College Street, Swansea, SA1 5BH
Details: Born and raised In Haifa, Israel and based in south west Wales since 2001, Dalit Leon is a painter/ drawer/ printmaker. She completed an MA in Painting at the Royal College of Art, London in 2013. The artist will be creating a new body of work for this exhibition seeking, through the subject of landscape and space, to explore the relationship between symbolic and material language, to visualise and question the overlapping realities of sense perception, cultural and historical readings, as well as deep consciousness, mythical and primordial histories. Dalit exhibited in the first Beep Painting Prize in 2012 and shows her work both nationally and internationally with a solo exhibition planned for 2016 in Israel.
Dates: May 6th – June 4th
Location: elysium gallery, 16 College Street, Swansea, SA1 5BH
Details: Born and raised In Haifa, Israel and based in south west Wales since 2001, Dalit Leon is a painter/ drawer/ printmaker. She completed an MA in Painting at the Royal College of Art, London in 2013. The artist will be creating a new body of work for this exhibition seeking, through the subject of landscape and space, to explore the relationship between symbolic and material language, to visualise and question the overlapping realities of sense perception, cultural and historical readings, as well as deep consciousness, mythical and primordial histories. Dalit exhibited in the first Beep Painting Prize in 2012 and shows her work both nationally and internationally with a solo exhibition planned for 2016 in Israel.
Lee Williams: CARGO
Dates: June 18th – July 16th
Location: elysium gallery, 16 College Street, Swansea, SA1 5BH
Details: Beep2014 Main Prize winner Lee Williams’s recent work and research explores place attachment and the bonding of people to places. Relating attachment to constructs such as place identity, sense of place and place dependence. The environment we are brought up in exerts pressure on our personality formation; and the culture in which we are raised, plays a substantial role in shaping our personalities. Fundamental influences of a certain environment can be more powerful than hereditary / genetic factors.
Dates: June 18th – July 16th
Location: elysium gallery, 16 College Street, Swansea, SA1 5BH
Details: Beep2014 Main Prize winner Lee Williams’s recent work and research explores place attachment and the bonding of people to places. Relating attachment to constructs such as place identity, sense of place and place dependence. The environment we are brought up in exerts pressure on our personality formation; and the culture in which we are raised, plays a substantial role in shaping our personalities. Fundamental influences of a certain environment can be more powerful than hereditary / genetic factors.
Painting Parallels
Dates: August 2nd – 27th
Location: Swansea Grand Theatre, 2nd Floor Arts Wing, Singleton St, Swansea, SA1 3QJ
Details: This exhibition situated on the second floor of the Grand Theatre Arts wing brings together a selected group of Welsh painters who work collectively within the Swansea arts community but tread very different paths within the medium of paint.
This exhibition is curated by Beep & elysiumgallery Director Jonathan Powell. Preview Tues 2nd August 6pm
Dates: August 2nd – 27th
Location: Swansea Grand Theatre, 2nd Floor Arts Wing, Singleton St, Swansea, SA1 3QJ
Details: This exhibition situated on the second floor of the Grand Theatre Arts wing brings together a selected group of Welsh painters who work collectively within the Swansea arts community but tread very different paths within the medium of paint.
This exhibition is curated by Beep & elysiumgallery Director Jonathan Powell. Preview Tues 2nd August 6pm
The Painters Studio
Dates: August 2nd – 7th
Location: Swansea Grand Theatre, 1st Floor Arts Wing, Singleton St, Swansea, SA1 3QJ
Details: This exhibition offers a unique glimpse into the working practice of a group of contemporary Swansea painters and details the intricacies of studio life. The first floor of the Grand Theatre Arts wing will feature a mixture of finished paintings and works in progress on studio easels intermingled with photographs of the artists’ studios and insights into the mind and spaces of the creative individuals.
This exhibition is curated by Beep & elysiumgallery Director Jonathan Powell, photographs by Daniel Staveley. Preview Tues 2nd August 6pm
Dates: August 2nd – 7th
Location: Swansea Grand Theatre, 1st Floor Arts Wing, Singleton St, Swansea, SA1 3QJ
Details: This exhibition offers a unique glimpse into the working practice of a group of contemporary Swansea painters and details the intricacies of studio life. The first floor of the Grand Theatre Arts wing will feature a mixture of finished paintings and works in progress on studio easels intermingled with photographs of the artists’ studios and insights into the mind and spaces of the creative individuals.
This exhibition is curated by Beep & elysiumgallery Director Jonathan Powell, photographs by Daniel Staveley. Preview Tues 2nd August 6pm
Beep2016 Wales International Painting Prize: This must be the place I never wanted to leave
Dates: August 5th - September 3rd
Location: Swansea College of Art, Dynevor Campus, De-la-Beche Road, Swansea, SA1 3EU
Details: The third Beep Painting Prize exhibition which will include national and International contemporary painters and mixes established artists alongside emerging talent. There will be accompanied painting conferences, discussions and activities from associated artists, curators and lecturers. There are two prizes, the Main Prize (£1000 and a solo exhibition with elysiumgallery, Swansea) which will be announced on the opening night in Swansea. Also the People’s Prize which will be announced at the end of the Wrexham exhibition in November. Judges Shani Rhys-James & Jonathan Watkins.
Dates: August 5th - September 3rd
Location: Swansea College of Art, Dynevor Campus, De-la-Beche Road, Swansea, SA1 3EU
Details: The third Beep Painting Prize exhibition which will include national and International contemporary painters and mixes established artists alongside emerging talent. There will be accompanied painting conferences, discussions and activities from associated artists, curators and lecturers. There are two prizes, the Main Prize (£1000 and a solo exhibition with elysiumgallery, Swansea) which will be announced on the opening night in Swansea. Also the People’s Prize which will be announced at the end of the Wrexham exhibition in November. Judges Shani Rhys-James & Jonathan Watkins.
Marja Bonada: Pendulum Paintings
Dates: 13th – 27th August
Location: elysium gallery, 16 College Street, Swansea, SA1 5BH
Details: The results of a live performance create a body of work for this exhibition where the artist attempts to find a way to visualise the Earth’s rotation. The role of the artist becomes purposely minimal as the apparatus is set up and the pendulum creates spontaneous paintings that illustrate harmony and balance juxtaposed against a human species which is increasingly at odds with the planet. Bonada is also curator and exhibitions officer at Undegun, Wrexham and regularly organises artist exchanges between Finland and Wales.
Dates: 13th – 27th August
Location: elysium gallery, 16 College Street, Swansea, SA1 5BH
Details: The results of a live performance create a body of work for this exhibition where the artist attempts to find a way to visualise the Earth’s rotation. The role of the artist becomes purposely minimal as the apparatus is set up and the pendulum creates spontaneous paintings that illustrate harmony and balance juxtaposed against a human species which is increasingly at odds with the planet. Bonada is also curator and exhibitions officer at Undegun, Wrexham and regularly organises artist exchanges between Finland and Wales.
Beep Painter in Residence: Eifion Sven-Myer
Dates: 25th June – 22nd July
Location: elysium studios, is this/this is…. Project space, 27-29 High Street, Swansea, SA1 1LG
Details: Eifion Sven-Myers ideas revolve around ideas of space and processes of transformation, he seeks to widen the usually strict boundaries of painting and inspire a dialogue around the processes and construction of his work. Using former paintings, mirrors and recycled wood. The aim of this residency will be to create an obscure space that one would walk into where the boundaries merge. A room where two and three-dimensions fluctuate, where paintings have been manipulated into sculptures and the walls and floor have become supports for paintings.
Dates: 25th June – 22nd July
Location: elysium studios, is this/this is…. Project space, 27-29 High Street, Swansea, SA1 1LG
Details: Eifion Sven-Myers ideas revolve around ideas of space and processes of transformation, he seeks to widen the usually strict boundaries of painting and inspire a dialogue around the processes and construction of his work. Using former paintings, mirrors and recycled wood. The aim of this residency will be to create an obscure space that one would walk into where the boundaries merge. A room where two and three-dimensions fluctuate, where paintings have been manipulated into sculptures and the walls and floor have become supports for paintings.
Steph Goodger & Julian Rowe: Cherry Time
Dates: September 9th – October 8th
Location: elysium gallery, 16 College Street, Swansea, SA1 5BH
Details: Goodger (Beep2012 People’s Prize joint winner) and Rowe collaborate to explore themes around the Paris commune, barricades and the sublime. Steph Goodger is a painter working in Bordeaux, France whilst Julian Rowe is a Kent-based sculptor, painter and installation artist. They have a mutually supportive working relationship based upon shared areas of interest and research. Le Temps des cerises (Cherry Time) is a well-known song in the French-speaking world, that became popular and took on a political meaning during the Paris Commune.
Dates: September 9th – October 8th
Location: elysium gallery, 16 College Street, Swansea, SA1 5BH
Details: Goodger (Beep2012 People’s Prize joint winner) and Rowe collaborate to explore themes around the Paris commune, barricades and the sublime. Steph Goodger is a painter working in Bordeaux, France whilst Julian Rowe is a Kent-based sculptor, painter and installation artist. They have a mutually supportive working relationship based upon shared areas of interest and research. Le Temps des cerises (Cherry Time) is a well-known song in the French-speaking world, that became popular and took on a political meaning during the Paris Commune.
Beep Wales International Painting Prize: This must be the place that I never wanted to leave
Dates: 7th October - 5th November
Location: Undegun, Regent Street, Wrexham, LL11 1SG
Details: Touring from Swansea, this will be the third Beep Painting Prize exhibition which will include national and International contemporary painters and mixes established artists alongside emerging talent. There are two prizes, the Main Prize (£1000 and a solo exhibition with elysiumgallery, Swansea) which will be announced at the opening night in Swansea and the People’s Prize which will be announced at the end of the Wrexham exhibition.
Dates: 7th October - 5th November
Location: Undegun, Regent Street, Wrexham, LL11 1SG
Details: Touring from Swansea, this will be the third Beep Painting Prize exhibition which will include national and International contemporary painters and mixes established artists alongside emerging talent. There are two prizes, the Main Prize (£1000 and a solo exhibition with elysiumgallery, Swansea) which will be announced at the opening night in Swansea and the People’s Prize which will be announced at the end of the Wrexham exhibition.
This must be the place I never wanted to leave
Dates: 16th November- 23rd December 2016
Location: ARCADECARDIFF, Unit 3b, Queens Arcade, Queen Street, Cardiff, CF10 2BY
Details: A selection of paintings from contemporary Welsh painters and selected works from the Beep2016 Painting Prize curated by Beep and elysiumgallery Director Jonathan Powell.
Artists: Sinead Aldridge | Tom Banks | Sam Chapman | Philip Cheater | Michelle Conway | Tom Down (image) | Ilona Kiss | Arron Kuiper | Anna McNeil | Eifion Sven-Meyer | Fran Williams | Camilla Wilson | (Beep Peoples prize winner TBA)
Dates: 16th November- 23rd December 2016
Location: ARCADECARDIFF, Unit 3b, Queens Arcade, Queen Street, Cardiff, CF10 2BY
Details: A selection of paintings from contemporary Welsh painters and selected works from the Beep2016 Painting Prize curated by Beep and elysiumgallery Director Jonathan Powell.
Artists: Sinead Aldridge | Tom Banks | Sam Chapman | Philip Cheater | Michelle Conway | Tom Down (image) | Ilona Kiss | Arron Kuiper | Anna McNeil | Eifion Sven-Meyer | Fran Williams | Camilla Wilson | (Beep Peoples prize winner TBA)
Jane Phillips Award painters residency
Dates: 1st December 2016 - 12th April 2017
Location: elysium studios, 34a Orchard Street, Swansea
Details: The Jane Phillips Award is a memorial to Jane Phillips (1957 – 2011) Mission Gallery, Swansea's first Director. Launched at Mission Gallery in 2011, the award is intended as a legacy to Jane’s passion for mentoring and nurturing talent, consistently supporting emerging and early career artists across the Visual and Applied Arts in Wales and beyond in a variety of different ways. As part of the Award, a Graduate Residency is offered where a selected artist will have the opportunity to make use of the Jane Phillips Award Studio at Elysium High Street studios. We are happy to announce the recipient as Phoebe Phillips, a Fine Art: Painting graduate from Carmarthen School of Art & Design.
Dates: 1st December 2016 - 12th April 2017
Location: elysium studios, 34a Orchard Street, Swansea
Details: The Jane Phillips Award is a memorial to Jane Phillips (1957 – 2011) Mission Gallery, Swansea's first Director. Launched at Mission Gallery in 2011, the award is intended as a legacy to Jane’s passion for mentoring and nurturing talent, consistently supporting emerging and early career artists across the Visual and Applied Arts in Wales and beyond in a variety of different ways. As part of the Award, a Graduate Residency is offered where a selected artist will have the opportunity to make use of the Jane Phillips Award Studio at Elysium High Street studios. We are happy to announce the recipient as Phoebe Phillips, a Fine Art: Painting graduate from Carmarthen School of Art & Design.