Gareth Kemp
These two paintings are part of a body of work developed over the past twelve-months with support from Arts Council England through their Developing Your Creative Practice Fund. The work has been inspired by research carried out during and since a visit to Texas in September 2018. Marfa Abstraction is a series of paintings based on photographs of Donald Judd’s 15 Untitled works in Concrete, photographed in the desert at Marfa. The paintings attempt to capture aspects of the Texan landscape: scale, flatness, space and light, colour and vastness. Through repetition and the painting process, motifs and forms emerge - becoming both simplified and intensified. These forms have been isolated in other paintings such as Marfa Ghost Lights VI. The form or motif in this painting has become a 'stand in' for the Marfa Lights, an unexplained phenomenon seen near Marfa.
These two paintings are part of a body of work developed over the past twelve-months with support from Arts Council England through their Developing Your Creative Practice Fund. The work has been inspired by research carried out during and since a visit to Texas in September 2018. Marfa Abstraction is a series of paintings based on photographs of Donald Judd’s 15 Untitled works in Concrete, photographed in the desert at Marfa. The paintings attempt to capture aspects of the Texan landscape: scale, flatness, space and light, colour and vastness. Through repetition and the painting process, motifs and forms emerge - becoming both simplified and intensified. These forms have been isolated in other paintings such as Marfa Ghost Lights VI. The form or motif in this painting has become a 'stand in' for the Marfa Lights, an unexplained phenomenon seen near Marfa.
Marfa Abstraction XXXX
160 x 180cm
Acrylic on Canvas
160 x 180cm
Acrylic on Canvas